Project Pizza Menu OLD

snacks + starters
scallion salad scallions, rubberbands, plastic, pressure (rauch) 20
fries spray paint, potatos, oil, calcium silicate (rauch) 20
food 1 the many things this food is (artist) PRICE

flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20

to share with the table
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20

popsicle sun, water, ice, artificial american colors, memory (rauch) 20
cake plastic, evergreen branches, frosting (rauch) 20
flat food 1 the many things this food is (rauch) 20

In which I tell people about the reasons buying this stuff is going to help, and why I'm passionate about solving food insecurity. Talk about food forward. Talk about how we can use art to multiply our time as artists into something good for the world (even though we might not have a bunch of money. One sentence bios for each artist + website.